Explore how different communities are being served by the City's Rescue Plan projects and how they're partnering with the City to deliver projects. These community-specific profiles are grouped by race and ethnicity.
Profiles show information about individuals and business owners that are recipients, and businesses that are partners in project delivery. We did not collect race and ethnicity data about individuals within non-profits. So you will not see non-profit recipient or partner data in the profiles. For demographic information about non-profit partners, see our Partners page. For demographic information about non-profit recipients and partners, see Investment Areas.
We measure and explore data by race, ethnicity and other demographics to understand how well we serve different communities. Review the Getting Started with Open Data page for more details.
As Rescue Plan Open Data grows, we will add more profiles of communities impacted by COVID-19.
Data shows progress through September 30, 2024. Data is updated quarterly.
Key Terms
Business and non-profit organizations partnering with the City of Portland to implement Rescue Plan projects.
Individuals and organizations (businesses or non-profits) served by City of Portland Rescue Plan projects.