Individuals can connect to Rescue Plan resources in the following ways:
Community members can call 3-1-1, between the hours of 7 AM to 8 PM Monday through Friday. 311 provides access to general information about any of the ARPA projects. This may include online application procedures and individual staff contact information for more detailed inquiries. The City of Portland's 311 Customer Service Program page has more information about how to reach 311.
Project Pages
Each Rescue Plan project will have their own page published on Visit those pages to get an overview of the project, learn about who the program serves, project timeline, and how to apply for the program (if applicable).
Multiple bureaus and offices at the City of Portland are in charge of the different projects. Some projects work directly with community-based organizations only, while some projects may have a public application process. Other projects may identify services based on a previously identified need and are closed to general applications.
Non-Profit Partners
You may identify a partner organization that you would like to reach out directly to about potential Rescue Plan services. The Partners page includes a table listing nonprofit and business partner organizations. Partners are grouped by projects and project names are listed in alphabetical order.